Prêt Kaybel


This product is destined to any individual whether living in Haiti or in the Haitian diaspora wishing to own his first home.


The loan may be made in gourdes.  The loan presents the following characteristics:

  • Maximum term: 30 years
  • Fixed interest rate: 10% during the first 10 years
  • Financing rate: 80% of the construction costs
  • Personal share: 20% of the costs
  • Technical fees: based on the project
  • Commission: 3 %
  • Mode of payment: Capital and interests are paid on a monthly basis
  • Guarantee: the house which will be built and/or any other asset deemed necessary and any other tangible and intangible guarantees.


This product offers the following advantages

  • A credit application process relatively simple and fast
  • Rapid access to funds—after approval by the competent authorities
  • Appraisal and advice from our engineers—Assessors, personnalized support from the credit officers
  • Access to SOGEBEL on line
  • Reimbursement in gourdes to avoid currency exchange risks
  • Stable reimbursements (fixed rates)
  • Tax exemption on the interests paid on the housing loans

Documents to be presented

To fill a credit application, the following documents are required:

  • A valid proof of identity, chose one of the following:
    • National ID card
    • Passport
    • Driver’s licence
  • A report on the real property to be purchased and/or the cost estimation of the work to be done, a land survey plan of less than 5 years.
  • Prepare a dossier for the real estate loan request.
  • Prove sufficient income relative to the loan amount and reimbursement schedule (a letter from the employer, bank statements, financial statements)
  • Guarantees:  life and multirisk insurance
  • Proof of address