Prêt Aménagement Maisons (PAM) is a product which allows the financing of residential homes and commercial buildings in order to make them more comfortable.
- Term: 10 years maximum
- Minimum amount: USD$ 10,000 or its equivalent in gourdes
- Financing rate: to be negociated
- Interest rate: based on the rates available on the market
- Guarantee : all types of guarantee (guarantee mortgage, mortgage on the property funds and buildings, guarantor holds an account at SOGEBEL, etc.)
Documents to be presented
- 2 valid identity documents, choose one of the following:
- National ID card
- Passport
- Driver’s licence
- Proof of address (bank statements from other banks, EDH bill, lease agreement)
- Title of the house to be home to be improved and the property’s survey plan
- Proof of steady income
- Estimates of the work to be executed
- Guarantees: life and multi risk insurance
This product offers the following advantages:
- Technical assistance : Assessment and advice from our engineers—Appraisers